Doge Analyzer

Analyze your Doge

The best way to determine the rarity of a doge is not using Moonrank or ME's rarity checker. Those are based only on the visual traits of the doge and do not take into account the race stats or class of the doge. Keep in mind that even lower lineage doges can be upgraded using $DTRK and end up having much higher race stats and class as a result of races and upgrades. For this reason the best way to analyze a doge is using our Doge Analyzer

Using the doge analyzer is simple, just enter the number of the doge you're analyzing and you can see the following information that is not available in ME or other third party marketplaces currently:

  • Class of the doge

  • Win percentage of the doge

  • Race stats of the doge

This valuable race info can also help doge racers analyze their opponents before entering a doge into a race, providing very crucial information to make decisions on which races to enter!

Last updated